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Replay: Tarot for Growth Journaling Workshop

A free tarot journaling session to help you set meaningful intentions for growth with the tarot

Hi little coven. The workshop above was recorded on 21st April 2024. It’s a taster of my ongoing weekly tarot journaling offer, where we’re working through the 52 spreads featured in my book, The Tarot Spreads Yearbook (now available in book and deck format), which explores the tarot through four seasons of the soul: Growth, Shadow, Change, and Care.

Full-access subscribers, your workbook and details on how to claim your complimentary 1-card reading are in our Journaling Club hub here.

In this taster session, we reflected on the theme of Growth and pulled cards to guide us to set intentions for growth over the next few months. If you’d like to join me every Sunday to journal through the whole book, you can do that by becoming a full-access subscriber to The Shuffle.

Here are a few of the journaling tips I offered in the chat throughout the session:

  • If you get a card that really surprises/stumps you (like I definite did!), reflect on some follow-up questions:

    • What, specifically, am I feeling surprised/stumped about?

    • Am I really surprised/stumped, or am I challenged to go somewhere difficult?

    • What question does this surprise/confusion make me want to ask the tarot next? (Feel free to ask and pull an extra card!)

  • Having a hard time with a spread prompt? Try to rewrite it in your own words, in a way that’s more specific to your own circumstances. IE for me: How can I nurture myself while I grow becomes: How can I nurture myself to grow by doing less?

  • Play with some simple numerology: Where you have cards with low numbers, reflect on how you can apply a real beginner’s mindset to your growth/take baby steps. If you’ve got higher numbered cards, consider what you’ve already mastered/how you’ve already grown when it comes to the theme of that card, and how you can challenge yourself further.

  • We also had a brief chat about the lovely Fifth Spirit Tarot by

    - if you’re not following Charlie’s substack , I recommend it!

REMINDER: Until April 28th, I’m offering you 20% off an annual subscription. That means you can join me for a year of journaling for less than a pound/dollar/euro a week.

Claim your discounted subscription now

Paying subscribers also get:

➡️ access to all pre-recorded and live workshops

➡️ full access to my growing library of tarot+creativity resources

➡️ 20% 1:1 zoom tarot readings with me

➡️ exclusive updates on my books

➡️ other bonuses as they occur to me!

Plus, your support helps me continue to commit more of my time, energy, and other resources to nurturing this space.

Enjoy this free workshop, and let me know how it went in the comments below:

  • What came up for you in this session?

  • Any tricky cards?

  • What growth are you committed to nurturing over the next few months?

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